SaaS Solutions delivering privacy-enabled blockchain technologies to transform the ways enterprises transact and interact.
What is your blockchain ambition?
Public blockchain as a driver of growth
Public blockchains will revolutionize commerce by connecting the dots between processes, data and people. Simply, privacy matters. EY Blockchain SaaS solutions address potential blind spots such as the need to guarantee business privacy.
Momentum for regulatory clarity
Learn how you can begin your Web3 journey and why you must level up your software utilization while onchain.
Real world assets and blockchain
Discover the state of play regarding real-world assets (RWAs) and why the appetite is growing among enterprises & financial services institutions. Use cases include carbon accounting & supply chain management, and EY Blockchain applications is here for it.
Featured use cases
How can blockchain become the glue to your supply chain management?
Opportunity: As enterprises scale, keeping track of complex logic among multiple parties who engage in your supply chain can be challenging. Inaccuracies in your total inventory on hand and for forecasting has direct impact to your bottom line.
Solution: Blockchain reduces duplication of products and assets by disclosing what is available through automation without data re-entry.
Outcome: By representing money and stuff as digital tokens under privacy, Blockchain's disciplined approach can provide more accurate data and reduced administrative costs.

Ethereum public blockchain is the digital glue binding together business ecosystems.
- Paul Brody, EY Global Blockchain Leader
Awards & Recognitions

2023 EY Blockchain named leader in the HFS Horizons Public Blockchain Services report EY's clear market vision and focus on Ethereum have led to its position as the Market Leader for public blockchains.

2022 W3B Award Winner: EY Global Blockchain Team
Blockchain Services Award (System & Software Services subcategory) Recognizing providers of blockchain technologies and services that are working to transform their clients’ operations, supply chains, or ecosystems. This award celebrates the tangible and long-term change that blockchain service providers are working to support.

2022 W3B Award Winner: Blockchain Leadership Award (Ecosystem Leadership subcategory Winner: Paul Brody, Global Blockchain Leader, EY)
Recognizing individuals who have shown exceptional leadership in driving blockchain collaboration or implementation within an enterprise, an industry, a government, or a multi-stakeholder organization.
The team

“Ethereum public blockchain is the digital glue binding together business ecosystems.”

“We launched our ESG solution earlier in the year and it’s an Ethereum-based API solution and it’s allowing organizations to better manage that decolonization of goals by tokenizing carbon emissions at the product level and allowing them to track and measure and show where they are against their carbon credit and claims."

“Nightfall_4 will leave Optimism behind and use ZK both for scaling and privacy (zk-zk). That is a prerequisite for scaling into the billion transactions/day regime.”